So what can we do?

Music Marketing Consultations

We do consultations for musicians and music managers on how to run successful digital campaigns across all the networks. We work in one-on-one sessions to improve your digital presence and keep your marketing campaigns on track. Ensuring you have the correct plan in place is critical to establishing your brand. The first thing we’ll do is go over your social media accounts and assess your brand’s present status. We will develop ideas in a step-by-step style to assist you achieve your ultimate goals. With more than a decade of experience, there is almost no riddle that we cannot solve. Even if there is – we are keen to find the right solution.

However, we do not partner with everybody. When it comes to marketing, some artists do not have realistic expectations or timeframes. Before we begin working on your brand, we must first ensure that we are on the same page. Please include video links, social media connections, and any press you have done when sending your information to us for a brand consultation.

First 15-minutes for free. Always.

With all of this mentioned above, we also work hand in hand with different social media tools and networks to increase outreach. These are only the main service options we gathered. However, we do also provide 360-scaled service packages if the situation requires.

Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising is a very powerful tool to reach your existing and new audience. Creating Facebook ads is an attractive solution for musicians to generate interest in their current album, tour, merchandise, and other promotions.

Facebook Management

Facebook management is letting to focus to more important tasks. It includes three different levels depending on your own marketing strategy. With a pro-active POV and proper workflow this could be a door opening experience.

Instagram Management

Instagram Management is about creating brand presence, supporting other marketing efforts and re-affirming the core messages. When an Instagram Management campaign is successful, it should result in an increase of reach, followers and engagement.

Twitter Advertising

Twitter has held appeal for users of all ages for a long time now. Twitter Advertising allows you to directly engage and interact with the audience on a public platform at affordable rates! It’s most effective when you have set a goal in mind.


TikTok Advertising

TikTok Advertising is a very effective tool for marketing and remarketing your products to new and former customers (respectively). If your audience is younger than 35, then TikTok is the place for you.

TikTok Management

TikTok Management is more about creating engagement, presence. This is one of the best solutions when we talk about connecting to the audience. TikTok Marketing definitely should be included in your yearly promo plan. 

LinkedIn Management

If one wants to go the professional route, the LinkedIn network is a place to be. Millions of production CEOs, directors, managers, and producers are out there. With a good foundation and proper planning, this could be the go-to element in a professional manner.

LinkedIn Advertising

LinkedIn Advertising lets one reach a wide professional audience to offer your musical services to decision makers and other important people within the industry. Depending on the needs, this network is a great tool to widen the professional network.

YouTube Ads

YouTube Ads means advertising on YouTube, the online video-sharing platform, promoting video content, or in relevant search terms in YouTube Search.

Google Ads

Google Ads is the most powerful advertising platform to boost traffic, collect more leads and increase sales of the musical services one can provide. 

Wanna talk?

Let’s make something great together.

You can start by sending us your story

